We are designers, engineers, and strategists.
We cut through complexity to elevate customer experience, improve the health and life for millions of people, and protect America.

Our Services

Digital Services Transformation

Relentlessly putting users at the center of innovation, we drive user experience from start to finish with our masterful use of modern technologies.

Cloud Smart Modernization

We transform systems in the cloud so they constantly and securely talk together, like thousands of private conversations a second.


We protect your network, website, data and source code, eliminating the worry about exposing your company and customers to cyber threats.

Our Clients

Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Defense Health Agency
U.S Department of Homeland Security
United States Navy
U.S Air Force
United States Marine Corps

About Us

eTech Solutions is a Joint Venture of two innovative forces in the modern digital services community: eSimplicity and Ventech Solutions. We cut through complexity to deliver game-changing solutions that improve the health and life of millions of Americans while defending our national interest on the battlefield. We build products and services with the people and for the people.

Have an unsolvable problem or audacious idea?

We'd love to hear about it. Email us as info@eTechSolutions.io please!

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